Posts Tagged ‘Adam Sandler’

What I’m Watching at Home: Punch-Drunk Love

Viewed on December 22, 2012 on Netflix Streaming This was my third time watching this movie, and it’s still just as entertaining as the first time. Easily my favorite Adam Sandler movie. He’s played the troubled simpleton before, but never so interestingly. I’m actually invested in this character and would want to follow his life […]

What I Learned Today – October 5, 2012

Taken 2 has less action than the first, has a thin plot, contains frenzied camerawork, includes poor representations of Muslims, and takes itself too seriously, according to one review. I enjoyed the first film, but didn’t love it as much as others seemed to. It had fun fight scenes and that was about it. I’ll […]

That’s My Boy

Donny Berger was just the average 13-year-old lusting after his hot math teacher, Ms. McGarricle, never knowing that secretly she had been lusting after him as well, until one day in detention when she taught him a different kind of lesson—a naughty one. She was sentenced to 30 years in prison for that lesson, and […]